
Financial dimensions are used for expense entries for reporting (for example, to identify cost per department or expenses per cost center).

Create a dimension

Use this endpoint to create a brand new dimension. You need to organizationId to address the right company.

Available fields:

  • description is the name of the dimension, Department in this example.
  • level can be EXPENSE or REPORT which dictates where the dimension is used by a user.
  • presetLocation, is used if we want to preset a value on a User, organizational structure, or category.
  • controlType, the user can be presented with a field of type free-text, a list, or a searchable list.

In the response, you get a id of the dimension which you will need later. You can also list all dimensions available with this endpoint.

Adding values to a dimension

This endpoint shows how to add values to a dimension. They are key-value pairs. Here we create the first department R&D with id: 330.

The values are an array so you can add many values in one go.

How the result looks like in the Findity Admin UI

How the result looks like in the Findity Admin UI

Change a value

Use the same PUT-endpoint to change a value. You can change the value of an id, and set start- and enddate if that is configured on the dimension. To delete a value you can pass in the field "delete": true.