JUMP TOThe basicsOverviewConventionsResponse codesAuthenticationOverviewTokenRequest access tokenpostRevoke tokenpostCreate authorization for a userpostWhitelist of IP addressesFindity Expense APIOverviewGlobal query parametersUserGet logged in usergetUpdate logged in userputGet user profile imagegetUpload user profile imageputDelete user profile imagedeleteCreate a new email challenge verification or verifypostCreate a new phone challenge verification or verifypostDeletes the users phone numberdeleteUpdate password of logged in userpostGet user extra recipientsgetCreate a new extra recipient challenge verification or verifypostGet counters for all organizations that user belongs togetDeletes an extra recipientdeleteFetch user settings in fields formatgetOrganizationsGet user organizationsgetGet a user organizationgetOrganization expense typesgetOrganization expense typegetOrganization categoriesgetOrganization representation typesgetOrganization car typesgetSearch custom field listgetSearch currencies listgetSearch locales listgetSearch countries listgetSearch payment types listgetSearch guestsgetSearch fuel types listgetFieldsRendering expense viewsField propertiesField typesExpense type fields - initializegetExpense type fields - updateputApproval expense fields - initializegetExpense report fields - initializegetExpense report fields - updateputApproval expense report fields - initializegetCardsList cardsgetGet cardgetUpdate cardputDelete carddeleteList card providersgetGet card providergetList all cards for a persongetList card transactionsgetUpdate card transactionsputGet card transactiongetUpdate card transactionputGet card transaction in fields formatgetExpensesList expensesgetCreate a new expensepostCreate a new expense (fields format of expense record)postGet expensegetDelete expensedeleteUpdate expenseputUpdate expense (fields format of expense record)putGet expense imagegetExpense ReportsList expense reportsgetCreate expense reportpostCreate expense report (fields format of expense report)postGet expense reportgetUpdate expense reportputDelete expense reportdeleteUpdate expense report (fields format of expense report)putContentCreate contentpostGet contentgetDelete contentdeleteTrigger actionputGet as imagegetGet as binarygetRouteGet place suggestionsgetGet route directionspostFleetManagementTripsList fleet management tripsgetApprovalsList approvalsgetList approvals by persongetApprove or reject records in reportputGet approval for report by approvalChainIdgetList expense records attached to expense report for approvalgetNotificationsList notificationsgetGet notificationgetFindity Admin APICategoriesGet export categoriesgetUpdate expense IRIS categoryputCarbon emissionsGet the total amount and emissions in the organization and categorize emissions to specific sources of emissiongetGet top emittersgetGet the emissions data month by monthgetGet the intensity of carbon emissionsgetGet the emission data of distancegetGet emissions by travel (road)getRequest export of carbon emissionsgetList carbon emission exportsgetDownload carbon emission exportgetDelete carbon emission exportdeleteGet latest added expenses by organizationgetGet the average carbon emission per kilometergetGet carbon emissions per dimension typegetGet all dimensions used in carbon footprintgetExpense ReportsList expense reportsgetGet expense reportgetPartnerList of partner consultantsgetFindity Connect APIOverviewIntegration WebhookExportsList exportsgetGet exportgetGet export vouchersgetProcess exportputUpdate export contentputGet export contentgetCard transactionAdd new card transactionpostFindity Admin APIOrganizationsList organizationsgetGet organizationgetCreate/Update organizationpostDelete organizationdeleteReport CountersgetLookup organizationgetOrganizations (internal id)Get organizationgetUpdate organizationpostDelete organizationdeleteReport CountersgetList Reports (external id)List ReportsgetList Reports (internal id)List ReportsgetGet ReportGet ReportgetUpdate report statusUpdate report statusputManage PartnersList PartnersgetUsersList usersgetAdd, update or remove employeeputUsers (internal id)List usergetAdd, update or remove employeeputManage person, external IDGet PersongetManage person, internal IDGet PersongetUpdate personputManage Accounting Consultants, external IDList Accounting ConsultantsgetAdd/remove Accounting ConsultantputManage Accounting Consultants, internal IDList Accounting ConsultantsgetManage Organizational Units, external IDList Organizational UnitsgetUpdate Organizational UnitsputManage Organizational Units, internal IDList Organizational UnitsgetUpdate Organizational UnitsputManage dimensions, external IDList dimensionsgetUpdate dimensionsputManage dimensions, internal IDList dimensionsgetUpdate dimensionsputManage dimension lists, external IDGet the list with valuesgetManage valuesputGet the list of approvers on valuesgetManage approvers on valuesputManage dimension lists, internal IDGet the list with valuesgetManage valuesputManage approvers on valuesputManage custom fields definitionsList definitionsgetUpdate definitionsputManage custom fields listsGet the list with valuesgetManage valuesputList filesGet list of filesgetGet fileGet export filegetList Licenses for organizationsGet list of licensesgetList Licenses for partnersGet list of licensesgetList Licenses for Client ApplicationsGet list of licensesgetPowered by List cardsget https://stage-api.findity.com/api/v1/expense/me/organizations/{id}/cardsLists all cards for the user on a specific organization.