Response codes

You can expect the following response codes in general for all endpoints.


  • 200 - OK: When getting a object or list of objects
  • 404 - Not found: Returned when an object is not found. Could be deleted objects, objects the user don't have access to or when referencing the object with wrong id


  • 201 - Created: Successful when objects are created
  • 400 - Bad request: Returned when input data is incorrect. This can be invalid json, missing mandatory fields, etc.
  • 404 - Not found: Returned when some related object is not found.


  • 201 - Created: Successful when objects are created
  • 400 - Bad request: Returned when input data is incorrect. This can be invalid json, missing mandatory fields, etc.
  • 403 - Forbidden: Occurs when updating a non existing object or an object the user don't have access to
  • 404 - Not found: Returned when some related object is not found.


  • 204 - No content: Delete was successful, no content is returned
  • 403 - Forbidden: Returned when object cannot be found or the user don't have access to the object