Field types

The different type of fields that can be rendered

The field endpoint can return this set of controlType values. Most control types are commonly know input fields but some are handling a custom structure, for example the GUEST_LIST type when a user selects an entertainment category.

  • TEXT: A single-line text field
  • MULTI_LINE_TEXT: A multi-line text field that supports carriage return
  • INTEGER: A numeric field with no decimals
  • DOUBLE: A numeric field with decimals
  • LIST: A drop-down or view that can
  • DATE: A date picker without the time
  • DATE_TIME: A date and time picker
  • SWITCH: A checkbox or switch stored as a boolean
  • CONTENT_HOLDER: A control for capturing images or pdf:s, for example to take an image of a receipt
  • GUEST_LIST: An array of user/company pairs to define the participants when doing an entertainment category. The structure for the value is in this format
        "name": "Person A",
        "company": "Company A"
        "name": "Person B",
        "company": "Company B"

FIELD_GROUP: A group of several fields that belong together, for example, entertainment fields, the route section in mileage.